Breaking News
Sunday 8 October 2006

Info Post

As many of you long time readers of this place will be aware I have suffered quite a serious illness(Chronic Rhuematoid Arthritis) for around 10 years now. The last few days have been particularly bad as things have also been complicated by a chest infection and really bad sciatica. These things combined have left me a shivering wreck and in total agony since friday night. Almost every link I have published in the last week has been stuff I have stored for these such occasions but now I can't even sit at my chair comfortably and the monitor makes my head hurt more.

Getting to the point these 2 posts are the last I will be doing today. Hopefully things will improve and I may be back tomorrow. Fingers crossed. If I am not back tomorrow you could always check out the categories on the right as there are literally thousands of links to be enjoyed.

Please bear with me if you have sent me any mail in the last few days as I will reply to you all in good time.

Insults - they just don't make them as they used to

Malaysia to levy fines for poor speech

List of British words not widely used in the United States

Dialects of English

Global Language Monitor

New insults for English language

Could You Learn 40 Languages?

More Languages and Words? Page 1   Page 2


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