Breaking News
Monday 22 December 2008

Info Post

Urban otters join foxes and squirrels in Britain's towns and cities

ZooBorns brings you the newest and cutest exotic animal babies from zoos and aquariums around the world (via)

I have an Otter for you

1,500 parakeets rescued from Berlin apartment

Summer the mare has record breaking 12ft long tail

Animal Tongues

Angry monkeys turn on their cruel trainer and beat him senseless with his own stick after he handed out a vicious beating to one of the trio during a performance riding mini bicycles in a market in Sizhou, China

The Japanese snow monkeys who enjoy nothing more than a hot bath

Pedigree dogs: How breeding has changed them

Dog and cat keeping warm

2 cats on pot

Alaskan Malamute Puppies from these Dog Wallpapers.

Owners give up dogs because 'it doesn't match the sofa'

The cat with purr-fect vision! Almost-blind moggie Ernest has his life transformed by wearing contact lenses

Real-life Mowgli kept alive by cats

Famous people + cats

Farm Cats

Bathynomus giganteus. EEK, run away!


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