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Friday 31 March 2006

Info Post
This category will feature all kinds of things like spiders, insects, butterflies, slugs and the like.

Stunning Images of Fully Loaded Bees

Butterflies Use Antenna GPS to Guide Migration

Hundreds of species found in Aussie outback, half need names

In the past few decades, the Asian tiger mosquito has travelled from its natural home in Southeast Asia to the ends of the earth, becoming one of the world’s most invasive species

10 Most Diabolical Creepy Crawlies On Earth

Atherix ibis larve

Humour with dead flies

Caught in The Web

Incy vegetarian spider is a scientific first

Agri-chemical companies are both breeding and killing bees

Slo-Mo Cricket Chirps Reveal Secret Serenades

7 Terrifying Giant Versions of Disgusting Critters

6 Deceptive Insects That Aren’t What They Appear

Insect flight patterns

Dancing caterpillars put off predators

Camel Spiders

Collective Intelligence in Social Insects

Insect Images

10 Fascinating Talking Points About Spiders

It’s a Trap! Amazing Ambushes from the Macroscopic Universe

Spider lover fined for importing unknown orange tarantulas

Minnesota Spiders


Secrets Of Insect Flight Revealed

A Praying Mantis eating a fly

The Spiders That Decorate Their Own Webs

Attack of the bee killers — a real-life disaster

Lad finds rare mutated insect

Rare tongue-eating parasite found

Universal ‘Death Stench’ Repels Bugs of All Types

The 5 Most Hated Creatures on the Planet (Don't Deserve It)

The Hidden World of Ants

Ant mega-colony takes over world

Gigantic Spider Gobbles Bird in Front of Camera

15 Most Alien Looking Caterpillars on Earth

A look around the tarantula lab

Mystery Worms Invade Northwest China

The secrets of ant sleep revealed

Tiny Pink-winged Spacecraft Orchid

This Week's Sci-Fi Worthy Parasite: Cotesia glomerata

Meet the Hawaiian spider that will make you smile

Giant spiders invade Australian Outback town

The Weird Life Cycle of the Ladybug

Why do only some ants sting?

The scariest and weirdest spiders on the planet

Spider "Resurrections" Take Scientists by Surprise

Against Insect Plague, Nevadans Wield Ultimate Weapon: Hard Rock

Cure For Honey Bee Colony Collapse?

Top 10 Facts That May Surprise You About Mosquitoes

10 Most Disturbing Bugs

How bees, ants and other animals avoid dumb collective decisions

Man set house on fire while trying to kill a spider with a lighter

Alien Nations: Up Close and Impersonal with Insects

New Species Of Spiders Discovered In Papua New Guinea

The Darth Vader Ant with Superhero Gliding Skills

Ants inhabit 'world without sex'

A neglected eighty-eight butterfly

The Biggest Bugs on Earth

3 Mate-Eating Animals

Parasitic Wasps Got Their Poison From an Ancient Virus

Scorpion Babies

Giant grasshopper (Tropidacris cristata)

Love Bugs - The insect mating scene features passion, peculiar rituals and deadly behavior

Japanese Giant Hornet

Cornizuelo - Rhinoceros Beetle

10 Naturally Transparent and Translucent Insects

The Metamorphosis of Cecropia Silkmoth. Great photos.

Jumping Spider Eyes

What's left over after a Tarantula sheds its skin

The Eastern honey bee bakes attacking hornets to death

Thai "Scorpion Queen" sets new record

6 Really Weird Worms

Young Butterflies Trick Ants Into Raising Them

Ant jaws break speed record, propel insects into air, biologists find

Wasp sucking machine

Beautiful, Scary-Looking Close-Up of a Mosquito

Animal Camouflage

Insects/Spiders. Great photos.

10 Most Alien-like Insects on Earth

Spider Catches Snake in Web

Bizarre Assassin Spiders Discovered in Madagascar

Maths helps bees read the waggle dance

Giant spider eating a bird caught on camera

Giant Weta - The heaviest insect in the world

Caught on film: The treadmill running shrimp which has become an instant internet sensation

Techuser's photostream - Up close and personal with insects

Australia scientists say bees can count to four

Inner city snail - a slow-moving street art project

Vampire Moth Discovered -- Evolution at Work

Is This The Planet's Most Peculiar Parasite?

Top 10 Most Beautiful Caterpillars

The Astonishing Eggs of Alien Nations

'Ant from Mars' discovered in the Amazon

Violent Death in the Insect World: Stunning Photography

Ancient moss, insects found in Antarctica

Spiders Who Eat Together, Stay Together -- And Form Enormous Colony Sizes

Schwarzenegger Beetles (and other celebrity species)

Discovered - The snails that hid from history

Spider Webs Glamour & Architecture

Afghan spider forces Army family out of home

Deadly spider found in banana box

Love Bugs: Sex in the Insect World

'Water bears' are first animal to survive vacuum of space

Swarm of bees attacks 2 people, pit bull

Red harvester ant: Extreme close-up

Mystery insect bugging experts at London museum

Electron Microscope Image of a Fly Foot

Will Cockroaches Inherit the Earth?

Wolf spider covered in baby spiders

Bees Enlisted to Attack Crows in Tokyo

Macro insect photos

Colony Collapse Disorder Debunked: Pesticides Cause Bee Deaths

My Blue Butterfly Tree

The wasp that walks cockroaches

A rare lantern bug. They attract their prey by lighting the appendage on their head

Top 10 Most Disgusting Parasites

Dragonfly: Amazing Hi-Res Headshot. Best viewed large.

Lorry carrying 12m bees overturns

Ugly Bug Faces

Bees trap woman in home, kill her dog 'Chewy' as she watches in horror

Home for a wasp

Zoo Pioneers Blood Sucking Bug

A Pest Without a Name, Becoming Known to Ever More

7 Largest Insects and Crawlers

Patterns in Nature: Butterflies

Pictured: Cheeky bumble-bee smiles for the camera

Helpful relatives key to the evolution of social insects

Insects/Spiders - a set on Flickr

Zombie caterpillars controlled by voodoo wasps

Can you see a spider?

Bees learn new languages easily

Britain’s rarest spider makes comeback, and eats mother

The Disgusting World That Lives In Your Carpet

Ugly Bugs

London Underground mosquito

Neil Young gets his own spider

Insect army called up to fight knotweed

The Largest Insects on Planet Earth

Bee warfare

The Five Most Dangerous Insect Swarms

Bee plague worsening, anxious keepers say

Monarch Butterflies on Flickr

How does a fly land upside down on the ceiling?

Village blackout to foil invasion of millipedes

African Flower Mantid

'Flesh-eating' amphibians filmed

Red-Veined Darter

The Metamorphosis of Cecropia Silkmoth

A Glowworm Heaven

Super Bug

A Potter Wasp

Japanese Bug Fights .com

Caterpillars con ants with smell

Tarantula Photos

Mutant super-cockroaches from space

The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World

The University of Florida Book of Insect Records

Bugs You Can Eat

The Pumpkin Spider

Happy Face Spider - Photo of the Day

Ice worms: They're real, and they're hot

Ballistic Jaw Propulsion of Trap-Jaw Ants

InsectNet. The purpose of this site is to provide a meeting place for entomologists, insect collectors, insect hobbyists and craftspeople, traders, and dealers.

A scorpion giving birth

19 Stunning Bug Images to Make Your Skin Crawl

From Ants to People, an Instinct to Swarm

German town builds anti-millipede wall

A spider’s nightmare

The Weirdest Insects in the World

World’s Weirdest Moths

Nature's Great Survivors: Water Bears

Ravenous Moths Invade California

Half a million Bees invade woman's home

Top 10 World’s Scariest/Ugliest Insects. Not all insects but there you go.

Slide show of Bees Making a Hive in a Jar

Bizarre Beetle Battles Enthrall Onlookers at Tokyo Tourney

Why do spiders come indoors in the autumn?

How Does a Firefly Make Its Light?

What Makes One Wasp Queen?

Water Spider Spins Its Own "Scuba Tank"

A vicious slug ate my head

Spider web engulfs Texas park trail

Ant, the predator and moth, the prey.

Shell-ter for huge snail on train

A bees-eye view: How insects see flowers very differently to us

Odontomachus: The Trap Jaw Ant

Pet spider kills its owner

Insect Images

Why Bugs Are Not Huge

Wasp catches spider mid-flight

Building for Survival. Spider webs.

Huge Spider Hides Behind Clock (pics)

Wasp Catches Spider Mid-Flight

Insect Macro Photography

Butterfly shows evolution at work. Scientists say they have seen one of the fastest evolutionary changes ever observed in a species of butterfly.

Flood triggers spider explosionin Australia

Cute Tiger Moth Caterpillar on Flickr

20 Things You Didn't Know About Bees

Caterpillar That Looks Like A Cactus

Rare "Smiling" Bird Photographed for First Time

The Schmidt Sting Pain Index

10 Thrifty Ways to Deal with Mosquitoes

Deep Jungle: Chicken-eating spider

Cicada Mania

Spiders' work a perfect web sight on line

Welcome to BugGuide.Net! - BugGuide.Net

Why Insects Can't Fly Straight at Night

US Spider Identification Chart - Venomous or Dangerous?. free wallchart too if you live in the US.

Scientist pours plaster into anthill to see what the tunnels look like. Neat.

Spiders (Close-up Photos)

Amazing photos of insects

Clock spider. EEK!

Fact or Fiction?: A Cockroach Can Live without Its Head

Cockroaches, Flies, Bees and Fish Among New Recruits in War on Terror

Toronto Zoo’s Bugzibitz. The world’s most talented bugs at the Toronto Zoo.

Beetography. Bee photographs.

Losing Their Buzz - New York Times. Why millions of missing bees are a national crisis.

Ever wonder how flies looked close-up after being hit by a car?

Spiders: Chastity Belts Protect Paternity

Mongolian death worm documentary online. See also Mongolian Death Worm (Wikipedia)

Insect/bug Macros - a photoset on Flickr

Goliathus cacicus. Largest Beetle in the world.

Oh Dear Lord! BEEEES!

Mr. Spider and Ms. Mantis - a tragic love story in photos

Camel Spider

What's That Bug?

Praying Mantis Eats Hummingbird

Pat's bug aquarium

Brilliant Whiteness of Strange Beetle Explained -- Forget bleach: this bug may be the key to whiter whites

Head-Banging Termites Caught on Film

Why Insects Can't Fly Straight at Night


Woman loses 10 lbs of skin to spider bite

3 Million Bees Removed From Kitchen Of Couple's Apartment

YouTube - Time Lapse of Ants digging their new home

Hybrid Butterfly Found on Cold Mountaintops

Why are some people more attractive to mosquitos?

Squirl: Dead Bug Collection

Goliath birdeater. Biggest spider in the world. Video here Video: "World's Largest Spider" Stalks South American Jungles

Extremely Rare Transparent Butterfly: The Glasswing Butterfly - More Oxygen Could Make Giant Bugs

World's largest ant colony found in Europe

Why is spider silk so strong?

Insect Macro Photography
Insect Macro Photography

Close-up of a wasp [1298 x 1320 JPG]

Spider Myths

Fire Ant Raft

Emerald cockroach wasp. A wasp that can ride a cockroach and drive it, too.

Pictures of Arachnids

Spider web construction gallery

Six Horrifying Parasites

Giant nests perplex experts

Aspartame - The World’s Best Ant Poison

Tiny animals on fingers - a photoset on Flickr

Parts of Sweden are overrun by caterpillars. Disturbing.

Close up insects

Butterflies and Moths of North America

Sea spiders

Vanishing Insects

Nature's Mighty Pictures: The Ugly Bugs

YouTube - Bolivia Bug. Fake or very disturbing. You decide.

How parachute spiders invade new territory

YouTube - Giant Bat-Eating Centipede Image Gallery: Backyard Bugs

Beautiful macro pictures of creepy crawlies

Insect species named after Star Wars characters

Japanese Ant Image Database

Flying Ants

How Flies Walk on Ceilings

The spider that crawled with dinosaurs


Vietnamese spiders

Quick and Dirty Mosquito Trap

Vespa mandarinia - The Asian Giant Hornet

Insecta Inspecta World

666-Legged Creature Rediscovered

Insect Answers

Eliminate Yellow Jackets With This Non-Toxic Homemade Yellow Jacket Trap

YouTube - Performing Flies

Housefly Gets Glasses Made With Lasers

EEK! Run away
Insect Photography

Macro photographs of various creepy crawlies.

Photographing Flying Insects

Japanese Ant Image Library

Insect/bug Macros - a photoset on Flickr

EEK!. Brilliant macro shot of a spider.

The Faces of Insects and a Frog

ScienceDaily: Why A Spider Hanging From A Thread Does Not Rotate

Amazing pictures of an insect building a nest.

Phong's Tarantulas!. Lots of picture of big hairy spiders. The colours on some of them are amazing.

Natural Insect Pest Control.

Photos of Brown Recluse Spider Bite.

Tarantula Milk Shake.

Parasites brainwash grasshoppers into death dive

What is this pest? Great stuff.

Top 10 Myths About Spiders

The Shouting Spiders of the Ugly Islands

So funny.
LiveJournal user made a maze of salt, puts a slug throught the gauntlet. Comments are brilliant.

Pharyngeal Irritation After Eating Cooked Tarantula. People actually eat them?

Some more brilliant photoshopping from worth1000. Mamsects and Insmals

Tasty insect recipes

Video clip. Spider vs. Mouse.


Bees Battle the Hornets from Hell. A small colony of 30 Japanese hornets kills a colony of over 30,000 European honeybees in under 3 hours.

EEK!. Brilliant macro shot of a spider.

Transparent Butterfly

'Love darts' double snail's chance of offspring

To be or not to bee

A stoned Spiders web
Spider experiments with Drugs. Somebody photographed a Spider making webs under the influence of different drugs.

Spider Myths

Bugs as seen on an electron microscope

Mr Monkey's Index of Famous Monkeys

When Caterpillars attack.

Flesh-Eating Caterpillars Discovered in Hawaii

Lots of pictures and instructions here for breeding the Goliath Beetle.

How does a fly land upside down on the ceiling?

Eek! I'm off
A warning: If the thought of tens of millions of tiny spiders spinning a web 24 hectares - 60 acres - in size and crawling all over it scares the wits out of you, you might want to tread carefully over the following. Because that's exactly what happened last month on a farmer's field near McBride, about 220 kilometres east of Prince George.

Spider Web Construction Gallery.

The Wisdom of Parasites. Amazing stuff.

Spider vs. Snake


Camel Spider. EEK, run away. Video. Snopes on Camel Spiders.

Butterflies of Honduras

Physics of flying keeps insects as busy as a bee while in the air

Scientists discover swimming ants

Bugs of Mass Destruction

Thailand's amazing insects photographed in the forests around Chiang Mai

EEK! Run Away!
Phong's Tarantulas.

Amazing photographs of a snail crossing a bridge

Spider Myths

Brainy Butterflies

Natural Insect Pest Control

Spider is 20 million years old

Parasitic Advertising

Baby caterpillar

Antcam - Natural History Museum. Great.

ScienceDaily: Amber Reveals Ecology Of 30 Million Year Old Spiders

Fascinating Butterfly Facts

A 2 headed ant

Ice worms: They're real, and they're hot

Antsering Machine. Pictures of an answering machine invaded by ants.

Spider Myths. Myths, Misconceptions, and Superstitions About Spiders.

Book of Insect Records

Dragonfly Museum

Insects on the Web

Entomology - Spiders and other Arachnids

Camel Spiders - Fact Versus Fiction

The Faces of Insects and a Frog

Spiders web after rain

Creepy Looking Spiders

Spiders of Australia

Assassin spiders

How Spiders Climb

Very Big Spiders

How to Make Scary Spiders

The Effects Of Cannabis On A Web-Based Lifestyle


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