The original
example - Reese WitherSpoon via
Reese Withraccoon (my attempt)
I think you get the idea for this one...
...The prize, some Reeses confectionary, of course! Posted straight to your house, woo! *counts out coins, looking worried*
Edit: Please send your entries to as Joanne is internetless for a while.
Here we go with the compo entries:
ILuvNUFC's Reese WitherScouseWig
Sorry it does'nt rhyme.
Sorry it does'nt rhyme.
She saw the whole of the Internet's Reese Witherballoon
Doug's Reese WitherToon
Thoeli's Reese WitherMan
Mrs ILuvNUFC's Reese WitherBaboon
Mrs ILuvNUFC's Reese Wither(Newcastle)Broon
Mrs ILuvNUFC's Reese WitherGoon
Think you can do better? This compo may run for a while or at least until Joanne get's her internets back so it's not too late to get your effort in.
I'm baaack! Thanks for keeping the competition going ILuvNUFC. Without further ado, here is the next entry from Cooper Green, genius...
Cooper Green's Smitherspoon
...And now, a splendid display of photoshoppery from Rev. Marcus Burkhard PhD. All of these!
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherLampoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherLampoon2
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherLoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherMoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherPlatoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherBassoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherDune
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherFestoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherHarpoon
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherJune
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherselfAsJune
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherTune
Marcus Burkhard's Reese WitherZune
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